Top Ten Reasons To Drink Coffee

Coffee Can Reduce DepressionMost people have a definite preference when selecting a beverage to go with breakfast, and for many of them that drink is coffee. Choosing coffee first thing in the morning may turn out to be a very good decision because that early cup carries with it a number of health benefits. It also doesn’t hurt that coffee is cheap and readily available almost everywhere in the world. If that’s not enough reason to put on a pot right now, I have more reasons to help convince you. After you’re done reading this, you may decide coffee deserves a place in your regular morning routine.

Coffee Can Reduce Pain

If you like to work out frequently, coffee can help reduce post-workout pain. Up to a 48% pain reduction, according to a study published in The Journal Of Pain in March 2007 (Maridakis et al.). For those who hate to miss a workout, this can be significant because it can mean you’re back to the gym sooner.

Coffee Can Help You To Burn Fat

The caffeine in coffee has been proven to promote fat loss to the tune of 29% in lean people, which is why it’s in nearly ever weight loss supplement on the market. Combine this with a general metabolic rise of between 3 – 11%, and you may find it really helps if you’re trying to lose weight. Although the news is mostly good, there is a slight downside. As your tolerance to caffeine build up, the effects may taper off. You may want to save your coffee time to just before workouts if you’re trying to lose weight. Coffee Consumption May Prevent Development of Type 2 Diabetes Diabetes is a serious health concern worldwide, affecting more than 300 million people, and the number is steadily rising. Researchers aren’t entirely clear exactly how coffee helps prevent diabetes, but a review of several studies have shown that it reduced the risk by up to 50% on average. You don’t have to be a scientist or mathematician to realize that a 50% drop is significant. One of the reviews was reported in JAMA (The Journal of The American Medical Association), found that that daily coffee consumption reduced the risk by over 7%. (Huxley, et al). Coffee May Reduce The Risk Of Neurodegenerative Disorders Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are two conditions that fall in this category, which as of this writing, typically progresses steadily and is incurable. The European Journal of Neurology reported in 2012 that caffeine may prevent the development of the two conditions by up to 60%. (Maia et al). 2012).

Coffee May Reduce The Risk Of Developing Certain Cancers

People who consume 4 or more cups of coffee daily were shown to have a 40% lower risk of developing liver cancer and a 15% lower risk of colorectal cancer. Coffee Can Protect Your Liver By helping optimize liver function, coffee may help prevent the likelihood of cirrhosis. Drinking four or more cups per day can translate to up to 80% reduced chance of developing cirrhosis. Coffee Is Rich In Anti-Oxidants Coffee is the primary source of antioxidants in the Western diet, and surpasses the level received from the daily consumption of veggies and fruits combined. If you don’t usually eat many more vegetables and fruits than you know you should, at least consumption of coffee can possibly help make up for that. Coffee May Prolong Life Coffee lowers the risk of a number of diseases, and when observed over the period of 18-24 years found a reduced relative mortality rate of 20% in men and 26% in women. This was especially strongly correlated in people with diabetes. Coffee May Reduce The Risk Of Depression One Harvard University study found that women who consumed 4 or more cups of coffee daily had a 20% reduced risk of depression, and 53% reduced rates of suicide. (Lucas et al, 2011.). Coffee May Reduce The Risk Of Stroke Although coffee may raise blood pressure, studies have shown that it does not negatively affect heart health. Blood pressure typically returns to baseline after after a few days, and along with it is slightly reduced rates of stroke. . Millions of people love coffee and drink it every day. For those people, they can not only can sip a flavorful cup, they can enjoy a myriad of health benefits. Although brewed coffee has no calories, do keep in mind that a lot of add-ins (like cream and sugar) or fancy coffee drinks like Frappuccinos can pack on a number of excess calories, and may not have nearly the same health benefits as a good, old-fashioned cup of brew.

Top Ways To Improve Your Health With Beet Juice

Health Benefits Of Beet Juice

Most people recognize beetroot as being red. However, you can also find it in a yellow and white color. Turning the beet into beet juice simply involves juicing the vegetable in a juicing machine to extract the liquid. This liquid contains the vital nutrients that carries with them numerous benefits. However, the Mayo Clinic points out that there is little scientific evidence that juicing vegetables such as beets is the healthiest option.

So, why do it?

Quite simply, juicing is the easiest and most effective way to get essential nutrients into the body. Many people struggle to eat the recommended amount of vegetables due to their dislike of the taste or texture. Juicing makes it easier and more enjoyable to consume. For most people it’s simply too difficult to eat the volume of vegetables that is yielded from even just two glasses of juice.

Furthermore, beet juice in particular allows us to consume crucial nutrients that we lose when cooking the root vegetable.

Nutritional Value Of 300 ml Of Beet Juice

Drinking 300 ml of beet juice provides you with:
• 116 calories
• 27 grams of carbohydrates
• 3.5g of protein
• 0.32g of fat
• 6g of fiber

Beetroot is also vastly rich in nutrients. It is full of nitrates, potassium, antioxidants, and vitamin C.
Despite the fact that this is all great for your health, try to refrain from drinking too much of it because it could lead to consuming excess calories (and it can create a laxative effect). You can gain weight from pretty much anything if you eat too much of it, regardless of how healthy it is.

The Benefits Of Beet Juice

Drinking 2-3 cups of beet juice a day is completely fine, in fact, you’ll notice the outcomes on your health are incredible.

The top benefits of drinking beet juice include:
• Better blood flow
• Decreased blood pressure
• The ability to exercise longer

The advantages related to improved blood flow originate from the nitrate aspects of beet. Once you drink it, the natural nitrates are transformed into nitric oxide within your body, which has a huge impact on blood pressure. According to WebMD, research shows that drinking approximately two glasses of beet juice every day reduces blood pressure. It would seem that it’s nitrate that is the key element here.
Although, WebMD specifies that a study carried out at the Queen Mary University of London discovered participants had a significantly noticeable reduction in their blood pressure compared to those who were given nitrate pills.  The nutrient density is what makes beet juice the superior form, and it’s also why there is such a great deal of benefits.

Train Harder 
Are you struggling to keep up with longer and more intense workouts? If so, beet juice could be your answer. tells us the results from research carried out at the University of California reveals that consuming beet juice every day will significantly improve your ability to exercise for longer durations of time. The participants were also able to withstand more pain than before.  Although I recommend listening to your body, and don’t ignore pain, if the consumption of beet juice allows you to workout without pain, I say, “go for it” (within reason, of course, and always under the guidance of a qualified health professional.  Increasing your body’s tolerance for exercise as your condition improves will help you attain your cardiovascular and weight goals faster.

Prevent Dementia 
Since beet juice increases blood flow around the body, it means that more blood is able to make its way into the brain. An increased amount of blood in the brain is something that may help prevent dementia before it even begins to develop. Furthermore, Medical News Today refers to studies conducted at Wake Forest University that discovered that beet juice also improved the body’s ability to send oxygen to the brain. As a result, it is suggested that it can decrease the severity of dementia.

Adding a variety of vegetables into a juicer is a great way to keep things interesting. Eating healthy can sometimes seem like a dull chore, but you can turn it into a positive once you realize how many options are available to you. If longevity and overall health are major priorities for you, you’ll fall in love with beet juice. It also blends well with other vegetables, such as kale, and the addition of lemon juice adds a light and refreshing zingy flavor. Regardless of your age and physical fitness, you can almost certainly benefit from drinking it.

Can Coffee Prevent Type Two Diabetes?


coffee reduces risk of DMWhen it comes to coffee, its health benefits are not often considered. After all, it is a tasty beverage, that gives you a kick to start your morning off the right way, isn’t that enough? It sure is a good start, but what if you found out that coffee can help reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes? Surely, it would become a mainstay in your dietary regimen, right? Let’s explore how coffee can help possibly prevent type 2 diabetes development.

Type 2 diabetes is at epidemic levels in the United States thanks to high carb diets filled with unhealthy sugar filled junk and the staggering obesity rates, with 1/3 of US adults being obese.

How Can Coffee Prevent Type 2 Diabetes?

Coffee may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes via various mechanisms. What is paradoxically strange, however, is the fact that coffee may temporarily raise blood sugar levels, even though overall it reduces diabetic risk factors.

One explanation for this phenomenon is the fact that caffeine raises adrenalin output, which among other effects leads to increased blood sugar levels. Regardless, there are probable reasons why coffee reduces diabetes risk.

Coffee Raises Adiponectin

Adiponectin is a protein found in blood that helps to signal and regulate when blood sugar levels are high, and acts to help keep it in check. However, in diabetic individuals, adiponectin levels are lower than normal, resulting in higher blood sugar values.

However, there is light at the end of that tunnel, as findings published in the Journal of clinical and diagnostic research (Bhakta et al.) found that individuals who consumed coffee had higher levels of adiponectin, as well as lower fasting blood sugar values and HbA1c, a protein indicative of blood sugar control over a long period of time.

Coffee Can Help Preserve Liver Function And Prevent Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver is typically associated with alcoholics, but can also occur in obese persons without a history of alcohol abuse. Fatty liver disease is associated with increased likelihood of insulin resistance and development of type 2 diabetes.

Coupled with the fact that coffee can help speed up metabolism and fat utilization for fuel, fatty liver can be easily overcome with some effort!

Coffee Increases SHBG

Although the immediate relationship between diabetes and SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) may not be apparent, it is interesting to know that insulin and SHBG share an inverse relationship. What this means is that one increases, the other decreases. Since coffee increases SHBG, it is able to reduce insulin in turn. While this is promising, the one issue is unpredictability, since it occurs in primarily post-menopausal women, and not in any statistically significant segment of male subjects.

Decaffeinated Coffee Is An Attractive Alternative

As outlined, the caffeine content of coffee can cause spikes in blood glucose levels, although it does not persist in everyone. However, if you are particularly sensitive, it may be a better option to consume decaffeinated varieties, as these contain little to no caffeine and would not result in the undesirable surge in blood sugar levels. Yet, many of the benefits in reducing type 2 diabetes risk persist.


A review of studies conducted between the periods of 2001-2011 and published in Current Diabetes Review Journal, which encompassed 13 studies. The conclusions drawn across the board were that coffee drinkers had a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The amount of coffee drank to observe measurable benefit was observed to be minimally 4 cups per day, while those that consumed 2 or less daily did not observe significant benefits.